
Top 5 business lessons my mother taught me

We all have learnt something or the other from our mothers. Hence, this mothers's day, I dedicate this post to all the mothers in the world. I am jotting out the top 5 lessons, my mom taught me and how I have interpreted them in my work. If you too wish to share your story, just write to me here, if you agree, disagree or even faintly agree. 

1. Never speak, just for the sake of it - My posts are not too regular. But when I have something to share, I ensure that I waste no time. There is no point in speaking when you don’t have any stuff with you to share. 

2. Do your homework - I hated this part, but for the fear of being punished, I ensured I always completed my homework.  But, this practice has helped me abundantly. When I get any query or request, I ensure that my team does enough “homework” about the client. This has helped me in serving our customers better. 

3. Listen to me when I'm talking to you - With Twitter, Facebook, Pinterst and blogs, you can post your voice across the globe, as and when you want. I listen to every word uttered towards my blog and ensure I react to it, immediately. This has helped me maintain a trustworthy relationship with our readers, because I listen. 

4 Mind your language - Words are like bullets. In your control as long as it is in your hands and out of control once it is shot. Not all our customers are 100% satisfied. There are some rough phases, but I ensure my words are used wisely. 

5 Don’t be a sheep. Lead the way - Mob mentality can take over all too easily. My competitors might have a different strategy. Following them like a sheep will not take me too far. So I believe in staying current, establishing a strong personal brand that doesn't waver based on what's trending. 

These are the top 5 lessons I learnt while selling any global technology data. Tell me your story and I will be glad to learn. After all, no mother can go wrong.

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